Saturday, August 22, 2009

Extended RSVP date

If you go back a couple of posts you will see a big list of classmates that have not yet been contacted. We have found many off the list and are still looking for the rest. For this reason we are extending the deadline to pay for the class reunion dinner until Wednesday, Sept. 2nd. For this dinner you must pay in advance. At the last 2 reunions those in charge have been left paying a lot of their own money. We think you'll understand that we want to avoid this! You can pay here on the blog or e-mail Jamie at and she will e-mail you her home address and you can send her a check. If sending a check it must be mailed no later than Wednesday, Aug. 26th. We are giving you one more payment option for those that still live locally. You can drop off a check to Jamie's mom, Chris, at Olson's Garden Shop.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone. We currently have classmates coming from Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wyoming, Idaho, Arizona, California and Nevada! It's going to be a great time!

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